Grand Theft Auto 6 Release Date Rumors: Next Game Could 'Return to Vice City'; Rockstar Remains Denies News (VIDEO)

Grand Theft Auto 6's release date is rumored to be sometime in 2017, and the series is set to return to Vice City.

According to Christian Today, rumors of the next installment of the game began swirling around when E3 announced that 'GTA 5' was coming to next-gen.

Several rumors have the game taking place in different places. One source said 'GTA 6' will return to Liberty City and be called "Return to Vice City" while Christian Today reported it may take place outside of the U.S.

A Rockstar employee took to Reddit and denied rumors of the next game coming June 2017, but of course it is still too early to tell if that is just a reuse.

In other news, 'Grand Theft Auto 5' has been mixed with 'The Sopranos' in a new video that is slowly going viral on YouTube.

The GTA 5 video reenacted the entire intro of 'The Sopranos' and even had a Tony Soprano impersonation.

"For this GTA 5 reenactment we decided to pay homage to one of the greatest TV shows of all time, 'The Sopranos'. Recreating The Sopranos intro in GTAV was pretty time-consuming, but a lot of fun. It was also our first experience using green screen (you can't smoke in the car while it's moving)!" wrote YouTube uploader 8-Bit Bastard.

The popular YouTube video creator considered using GTA 4 to make 'The Sopranos' video because that version would more accurately match the setting.

"In this series of videos, we recreate famous TV or movie scenes within GTA V. Mostly using the snapmatic camera to reenact these movie scenes, we draw on our good friends within the /r/GTAA reddit crew for acting resources. Check out our other GTA 5 movie reenactments on our channel!" he wrote.

Watch the clip below (Warning adult language):