Trending News|September 12, 2016 08:20 EDT
Google Maps News & Update: Let Your Family And Friends Know Where You Are While Catching Pokemon
Fans can now update their location on Google Maps when they are out catching Pokémons, according to the latest news.
The Next Web said that Google Maps has added this feature in the Timeline where people can indicate where they are currently located when they are playing the "Pokémon Go." This new feature is called the "catching Pokémon" option.
In order to activate this feature, you need to go to Google Maps, open the Menu and go to your Timeline. You simply have to go to the edit button under the activity details, and scroll down to the catching Pokémon button.
There are also several options that you can try under the catching Pokémon button to show how you are going about your journey between two points.
Android Police noted that this news may surprise some people who are not familiar with the Timeline feature in the Google Maps. This option enables users to get an overview of where they have been and what manner of transportation that they use to get there.
Although, your movements are tracked by Google Maps itself (and this is automatic), you can actually edit your Timeline. But really, the catching Pokémon is just Google's way to piggyback on the popularity of the game and allow hardcore fans to make use of the navigation more.
Of course, this news could be another way for robbers to track you down in Google Maps, if you are not careful. Police have already warned "Pokémon Go" players after it was discovered that robbers have been using the lure in order to attract victims.