Giuliana Rancic News: 'Fashion Police' Host Apologizes to Zendaya on E! News about Allegedly Racist Comment

'Fashion Police' host Giuliana Rancic apologized once again on another show E! News to celebrity Zendaya. Rancic's previous comment on Zendaya's hair was allegedly racist and happened during an episode of 'Fashion Police' critiquing artists who attended the Oscars.

"I feel that she smells like patchouli oil...or weed," Rancic previously said.

Now Rancic hopes to fix the situation saying, "I'd really like to address something that is weighing very heavily on my heart," Rancic began. Rancic then apologized to Zendaya, "I want to say to Zendaya that I am so sincerely sorry," Rancic said directing her statement to the 18-year-old singer and actress.

The famous E! Live from the Red Carpet host finally said, "I didn't intend to hurt anybody, but I've learned it's not my intent that matters. It's the result," hoping to explain her side. Rancic also posted an apology on her Twitter stating that it is not her intention to offend any race.

"Dear @Zendaya, I'm sorry I offended you and others. I was referring to a bohemian chic look. Had NOTHING to do with race and NEVER would!!!" Rancic wrote. Meanwhile, despite the many apologies, Zendaya apparently is still unforgiving of the host posting a lengthy message on Twitter as well.

"There is a fine line between funny and disrespectful. Someone said something about my hair at the Oscars that left me in awe. Not because I'm relishing rave about my outfit reviews but because I was hit with ignorant slurs and pure disrespect," Zendaya wrote.

"To say that an 18-year-old young woman with locs must smell of patchouli oil or weed is not only a large stereotype but outrageously offensive," she added. It was indeed a tense situation and fans, both of Rancic and Zendaya are hoping that the two patch things up especially Rancic's co-host Kelly Osbourne who is also apparently Zendaya's friend.

Osbourne also posted several messages on Twitter expressing her thoughts on the situation. "I WILL NOT BE DRAGED INTO THIS! The situation is being rectified like ADULTS by both parties. I hope you can leave it to them & do the same!" she wrote on Twitter. The Fashion police host also threatened to leave the show, posting on Twitter, "I DID NOT MAKE THE WEED COMENT. I DO NOT CONDONE RACISM SO AS A RSULT OF THIS IM SEREIOULSY QUESTIONONIG STAYING ON THE SHOW!" she wrote.