'Ghostbusters' 2016 Reboot First Official Image Of Cast Released [TRAILER]

Sony has released the official image of the four battle-ready lead cast of Paul Feig's upcoming adventure film "Ghostbusters."

The fansite Proton Charging tweeted the photo on Dec. 16. The photo featured Feig's all women Ghostbusters - Kate McKinnon, Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, and Leslie Jones - in their complete Ghostbusters suit and proton pack. Bathed in green light, which is said to be coming from a slime from the ghosts, as per Today Pop Culture, the ladies looked brave and ready to face the phantom forces.

On July 10, director Feig tweeted a photo of his Ghostbusters posing in their full gear in front of the Ecto-1 station wagon, which served as the debut of his titular team together. In caption, he wrote "#whoyougonnacall." Feig's photo got around 15,960 re-tweets and 16,600 favorites to date.

In an interview with AMC's Talking Dead, Feig said that he was very inspired by "The Walking Dead," since what he loved was how they play with the danger, they play with the scariness, but also the thought that it was always about gaunlet running. He added that that was the element he wanted to bring to the "Ghostbusters" reboot. For the directos, he fed off of "The Walking Dead."

Feig's "Ghostbusters" serves as a reboot of Ivan Reitman's 1984 "Ghostbusters," which centered on four parapsychology professors who set up a shop featuring their unique ghost removal service.

The film stars old and new cast members including Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Ernie Hudson, Sigourney Weaver, Annie Potts, Chris Hemswworth, Kate McKinnon, Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, and Leslie Jones, among others.

Feig's "Ghostbusters" is set to premiere in theaters in the United States on July 15, 2016.

Watch The Full "Ghostbusters" Movie Trailer: