Trending News|July 06, 2016 04:26 EDT
'Ghost Recon: Wildlands' News: In-Game Map Set To Be The Biggest Yet In Ubisoft Game?
"Ghost Recon Wildlands" is one of the most awaited games today. With Ubisoft being one of the best, if not the best in today's open world gaming, we couldn't all help but imagine how good this upcoming game will be.
Rumors are currently surfacing and they all say that the map will be insanely huge. According to Games Radar, even though there is no definite measurement yet on how large the map for "Ghost Recon" would be, the map would have a lot of regions on it. There would be one boss for each map. Also, there is a number of skulls just below the photo of the bosses which might be an indicator of the difficulty of the map.
According to Gaming Bolt, the upcoming Ghost Recon game will be Ubisoft's largest open world game ever. Lead game designer, Dominic Butler said that the map is so large that what they are working on right now is filling up the map with interesting things for the gamers to do.
"For us what's more important than just the size? Obviously the size makes it cool. It gives us lots of opportunities," Butler said. "It's set in Bolivia, a beautiful, intensely rich, varied environment in real life. So we are able to leverage that for our game; so we've got 11 different ecosystems. What that means is: you've got jungle, wildlands, and valleys with not much visibility. It's going to challenge you as you're moving through these places; you're going to need aerial support, it makes way more sense than others," he added.
There is no definite date yet on the release of this exciting open world videogame but one thing is for sure - every gamer on the planet should not miss out on this game once it comes out next year.