In the news|September 07, 2016 04:06 EDT
Geoff Moore Launches New Album After Five-Year Hiatus
After a five-year layoff, Geoff Moore has launched his next project, the full-length album "The Next Thing," which was released on Sept. 2.
But the long hiatus between projects suit the CCM legend just fine, because one of the requirements of being under a major label was to release a new album in one year or one-and-a-half years' time. That means quality over quantity.
"I don't feel the need to make an album just to make it. Instead, I have the freedom to write songs as I'm inspired," he said. "When I get a collection of songs that I feel is compelling enough, that all interact together, that's when I know it's time to make an album."
For his next album, Geoff Moore took inspiration from Oswald Chambers, a Scottish evangelist, whom he quoted as saying, "Trust God, and do the next thing." He said that most people see all the evil in the world and end up being jaded.
"That is not how I like to live. I like to have a plan. I like to know what's ahead. But the past 40 years of my faith journey has basically been me walking with God on a need-to-know basis," he added. "Ultimately, it comes down to living a life of faith. What I have learned through it all is that God is trustworthy. We can trust Him with our future. That is the message that kind of trickles down through the whole album."
For more information about "The Next Thing," visit Moore's official website.