'Gears of War 4' Rumors: Xbox One Release Date In 2016

Xbox One is set to release "Gears of War 4" sometime in 2016.

According to Christian Post, The Coalition is planning on providing gamers with only two characters to start the game. That is one of the major changes that they made given that the previous games have offered a four-character scheme.

This could actually be a good thing since fewer characters to handle could mean that the gamers could actually be more focused in strengthening their gameplay, especially when they encounter a huge number of foes.

Basing on a lot of games with fewer main characters, leads can be more efficient in dealing with situations when their group is outnumbered.

The two characters are speculated to be named JD and Kait. Both are young and inexperienced soldiers who are just about to enter the battlefield.

The game is well known for its action-packed game play and cover mechanics that are given to players. The game also features a weapon like no other called the "Mark 2 Lancer" which is a rifle that also comes with a gasoline-powered chainsaw for close encounter purposes.

"Gears of War" is a third-person shooter game currently being developed by The Coalition. The upcoming game is exclusive to Xbox one. It was first released on November 7, 2006 and has sold over 22 million units and earned over US $1 billion in revenue as of January 2014.

Metacritic has given the series good review scores with Gears of War scoring 94% for Xbox 360, Gears of War 2 with 93, Gears of War 3 with 91 and Gears of War: Judgment with 79.