‘Game of Thrones’ Season 5 Spoilers: The Ways HBO's GoT Strays from the Book Storylines

In Season 5 of Game of Thrones, there will be a lot of points in the show's storyline that will not line up with the book series upon which the television series is based.

There are a few specific changes that are major contrasts between what happened originally in the book.

In the television show, Ser Barristan dies, which is shocking because he does not die in the books. In the books, he continues to live as one of Daenerys' most trusted advisors.

It has not been confirmed as yet whether or not Grey Worm is dead, but he does not die in the books, even though he does run into the Sons of Harpy. The bloody battle that ensues after he did in the television show did not happen in the books!

Another way that the show strays from the book series, is that Jaime Lannister does not ever make it to Dorne in the books. He spends time in the Riverlands instead, where he meets up with Brienne to save Sansa from the Hound.

In the television episode of Game of Thrones that aired on May 3rd, Tyrion was kidnapped by Jorah Mormont. In the books, he takes the journey that he and Jorah are taking to Meereen with Aegon Targaryen, who has not appeared on the show as yet.

Currently on the television series, Sansa is in Winterfell with Littlefinger, and she is engaged to Ramsay Bolton. In the book, Sansa and Littlefinger are still in Eyrie, and she is never betrothed to Ramsay.

All of these changes have caught fans of the series by surprise and left them excited to see where the show is headed next.