Trending News|April 13, 2015 08:51 EDT
'Game of Thrones' Season 5 Spoilers, News: Showrunners are Building a 'Crescendo'?
With the awaited season five return of HBO's critically acclaimed 'Game of Thrones,' fans are all in high anticipation for what surprises lie next for our heroes of Westeros.
Showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss do their part in circulating the hype in an interview with Rolling Stone, calling what they're doing next, "building a crescendo."
When asked what we can expect this season, Benioff answers:
"For four seasons, you've had all these characters who've been separated by geography - from Daenerys and her band of warriors roaming around to everyone in Westeros. Now, these storylines are starting to merge. It's going to be a big East-meets-West season."
Benioff also addressed the pressure in topping his last couple big events.
"Absolutely. But there is an overarching story, and we are past the midpoint now; it's getting closer to the end, ultimately. We are starting to build to a crescendo, which means the battles have to get bigger and things have to get more dramatic. Something like the 'Red Wedding''d been with these characters for nearly three seasons, so of course something like that is going to have a big effect on people. But when you think about characters like Arya or Tyrion, who you've spent so much time with, whenever they're in jeopardy, it should feel like a big deal."
In response to the longevity of the series only being seven seasons, the showrunner states:
"We've always said that, but we have to talk to HBO and come to an understanding. There's a temptation to keep going with it because we're still having fun, but you don't want to ruin it by tacking on a couple of extra years."
'Game of Thrones' makes its triumphant return on Sunday April 12th.