In the news|April 06, 2015 10:18 EDT
'Game of Thrones' Season 5 Spoilers, Cast Rumors: Two New Actors Tapped for Important Roles?
'Game of Thrones', one of the most popular television series airing on HBO will begin its fifth season in two weeks. The show runners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss have said that the show will start to re-imagine its source material, the wildly popular book series of the same name, in the upcoming season.
Fans wonder whether two characters that are quite essential in the novels, Griff and Young Griff, will be included in this season at all. In the books, Griff is Lord Jon Connington and Young Griff is theorized to be Aegon, Rhaegar Targaryen's son.
According to the show's wiki, however, there have been two new actors cast for roles in season five that have not been specified.
The actors' ages have led to speculation that they will be playing Jon Connington and Aegon in the season. The actors, Alan McKee and Matt McArdle, are quite talented, and fans do believe that they will certainly only add to the quality of the show.
In the plot of the novels, Connington was Rhaegar's closest and most trusted friend at one point as well as Hand of the King to Aerys II.
After he was not able to kill Robert Baratheon, the king banished him and rumors say that Aegon was switched with another baby at birth, so Rhaegar's true son was sent away to be raised by Jon Connington in secret until he would be able to reclaim his seat on the throne.
Watch out for 'Game of Thrones' when it airs on HBO at 9 pm ET.