'Game of Thrones' Season 5 Release Date, Plot Spoilers, News: Jon Snow to Unite Night's Watch & Wildings?

HBO released yet another trailer for the upcoming season of the much awaited TV show, "Game of Thrones.'

In the new trailer, "Meet the Sand Snakes,' the daughters of Prince Oberyn, the Sand Snakes, avenge the death of their father. Also the mysterious character of Doran Martell is finally revealed.

In Season 5, Jamie Lannister and Brann will be seen traveling to Dorne and Daenerys prepares her dragons to conquer the whole of Westeros even as she is seen having troubles holding the city of Mereen. The trailers released so far, have showed the upcoming wedding between Tommen Baratheon and Margaery Tyrell.

Meanwhile, there's a massive fight up in the north at the Night's Watch, between the Wildlings and the White Walkers. In of the trailers, Jon Snow, says, "We can learn to live with the Wildlings or we can add them to the army of the dead." Also, the trailers reveal that the Night's Watch is joined by the army of Stannis Baratheon.

While at the Boltons, Roose and Ramsay are shown to be standing over the remains of Winterfell.

Stannis and Melisandre are in a tent looking at a map of the North with Bolton markers, preparing for their march.

The trailers show a little of every house, including the main characters of all the houses, as we get a glimpse of Arya Stark and by the looks of it, she might be in the House of Black and White.

Season 5 of "Game of Thrones' is set to premiere on April 12, 2015.