In the news|February 24, 2015 08:30 EST
'Game of Thrones' Season 5 News: More Blood than Ever Before When Series Returns - Spring 2015
While fans await the Season 5 premiere, rumors that the next part of HBO's hit TV series Game of Thrones will be bloodier than ever before, spread throughout online communities.
To confirm suspicions, Sophie Turner, who plays Sansa Stark in the show, said in an interview with The Huffington Post, "There are some massive moments, perhaps even more shocking than the Red Wedding type of thing."
Fans of the show recall the episode of The Red Wedding to be particularly gruesome as it involves a huge massacre during the War of the Five Kings. The massacre, which was started by Lord Walder Frey, happened because Lord Frey was seeking revenge on King Robb Stark for ending the marriage agreement between House Stark and House Frey. Many notable characters, such as Lady Catelyn, were numbered among the bodies. Fans of the show were quite shocked to see such a brutal episode.
With the news of even more deaths set to occur, viewers of the medieval epic fantasy show are wondering who they should count on being killed off during the next season. Some characters up for speculation are Littlefinger, Cersei, and Rickon. Fan-favorites that could die but would cause upheaval in the Game of Thrones community are Tyrion Lannister, Daenerys Targaryen, Arya Stark, Bran Stark and Jon Snow.
A probable reason for the show's writers and producers (D.B. Weiss and David Benioff) to kill off so many more characters is because they show is catching up with the books. To create more drama and tension than the books do, the two have decided to make the push for more characters to die.
HBO's Game of Thrones will return for its fifth season on April 12.