Trending News|March 17, 2015 02:04 EDT
'Game of Thrones' Season 5 News: Arya Stark’s New Costume & Character Changes Revealed
Now that Arya has made her way out of Kings Landing, it's high time she gets a new makeover for her new life in Braavos. An exclusive look at Arya's new costume was revealed this week, showing off a more feminine side to the character for the fifth season of HBO's hit series "Game of Thrones."
Maisie Williams, who plays Arya, told Entertainment Weekly in an interview that she loves her character's new look. She said, "It's very neutral, very plain, but clean! I have clean hair that actually moves. I came onto the set and nobody recognized me."
In the past Williams has had to take on a grungy look as she was disguised as a boy for the last four seasons. She normally wore earth tones, had a more masculine haircut, and always looked dirty. Now that she has left Kings Landing to become an assassin, a new look was just what the character needed. Her costume, which was photographed for EW, has brighter colors, a fish net shawl, a skirt and her hair is in two small buns.
Williams and other major characters from the show were photographed for an exclusive look at behind-the-scenes, interviews and more.
Season five of "Game of Thrones" is supposed to be a big change from past season. Showrunner David Benoiff said, "Worlds are colliding. One of the things we've been most excited about from the beginning of the series is we've had all these far-flung story lines across Westeros and Essos which almost never cross. Now some of these characters start to head on a collision course for each other."
"Game of Thrones" returns to HBO on April 12 at 9 pm ET.