'Game of Thrones' Season 5 Episode 7 Recap Spoilers: Tyrion and Daenerys Share Screen Time in 'The Gift'

Episode 7 of the fifth season of Game of Thrones aired and fans were excited to see that two of the most important characters in the series, who have not met as yet in the books by George R. R. Martin, Tyrion and Daenerys share screen time.

The episode began with Master Aemon passed away of old age, which is a shocking twist for Game of Thrones as deaths are usually bloody and gory.

Next, Sam comes to Gilly's rescue when two Night's Watch warriors attempt to attack her. Last week, viewers saw Sansa raped at the hands of her new husband, Ramsay.

In this episode, we meet her with bruises, and she decides that her only chance is to leave Winterfell. She has some trouble getting help though, as Theon is reluctant to help and he asks her to at least help her signal her friends in the North.

Meanwhile, Myrcella is visiting her "rescuer" Jaime, and tells him that she does not have any interest in returning to King's Landing.

It seems that she has made a home for herself in Sand Snakes and has a life that she would rather not give up. Daario and Dany's affair continues, and Daario attempts to convince her to marry him instead of Hizadhr, but she says that it is never going to work.

Olenna attempts to get the High Sparrow to release her grandchildren, but to no avail. Finally, Cersei continues to do horrible things in the name of protecting her children, while actually placing them, Tommen especially, in danger.