'Game of Thrones' Season 5 Spoilers, Plot News: Daenerys Makes Crucial Decisions in ‘Kill the Boy’ [VIDEO]

In Season 5 Episode 5 of 'Game of Thrones', entitled 'Kill the Boy,' the fantasy drama television series on HBO, will be concentrating on some thorny decisions. According to the official synopsis of the show, fans will see Daenerys making a vital decision as she endeavors to convince Mereen residents while going to war against the Sons of Harpy radicals.

According to Christian Today, people of Mereen have not been particularly kind to Daenerys, as the princess might have won the city and also liberated its people, but the alteration in economy, her dragons, and now the war against the Sons of the Harpy are forcing her to do what she despises.

Her position has become much difficult following the defeat of her two most trusted allies Grey Worm and Ser Barristan Selmy in the previous episode titled 'Sons of the Harpy.' Both her allies were ambushed by the Sons of the Harpy, and later Ser Barristan was stabbed through the back and chest.

Although, the character of Ser Barristan lives in the book series, the show has drastically deviated from the books on which it is based. Going by what happened to Ser Barristan in 'Game of Thrones' Season 5 Episode 4, it is expected that his character is dead for the remaining part of the show. Nevertheless, fans who watched the IMAX trailer for Season 5 may still expect that Grey Worm will recuperate as the trailer showed him sharing an intimate moment with Missandei.

However, it is likely that the crucial decision Daenerys will be making in the upcoming episode will involve Tyrion Lannister. As the promotional photographs show that Jorah will be bringing in Tyrion, it is possible that Daenerys will take him in notwithstanding the fact that he is a Lannister.

In the meantime, fans will see Jon Snow relying on an unanticipated ally as he endeavors to head south to deal with the Boltons. Then again, Brienne will be seen continuing her search for Sansa, and it is suggested that Theon Greyjoy will play a crucial in 'Kill the Boy.' Fans have seen that Ramsay Bolton is still controlling him, but with Sansa in the scene, it is expected that he will snap back into reality and may even help Sansa regain the North, including Winterfell.

'Game of Thrones' Season 5 Episode 5 titled 'Kill the Boy' airs on Sunday, May 10, on HBO.