'Game of Thrones' Season 5 Episode 2 Recap: Arya's Quest in 'The House of Black and White'

In Episode 2 of Season 5 of Game of Thrones, Brienne's oath to protect the Stark daughters continues to become harder due to the resistance of the girls. Jaime want to do right by his sister and niece, but Cersei is pure evil.

Jon Snow wants to be a real Stark, but cannot due to the fact that he has pledged his allegiance to the Night's Watch and Daenerys' goal of establishing the rule of the law is foiled when one of her advisors kills a man that she has been holding for trial.

Arya is still traveling the outer reaches of the world, in search of her old friend Jaqen H'ghar and continues to recite the names of the people on her "kill list." When she tossed the coin in the water, perhaps she did not mean to give up, but knew that it belonged there.

Shortly after, a monk walked her back to the House of Black and White after interrupting an attack on Arya he revealed himself to be H'ghar.

Catelyn's other daughter, Sansa seems to also be looking for training. It appears that she does not want to leave her safety in the hands of Brienne, who she saw bending a knee to King Joffrey.

Meanwhile, Cersei is presenting herself as Tommen's spokesperson, although she cannot fill his position because she is woman, which is a fact that she is clearly unhappy about. Cersei is quite concerned, as well, about her daughter Myrcella who lives in Dorne now, a place that the Lannisters dislike.

Jon Snow has had a chance to claim his romance, but he chose to stay true to the Night's Watch instead.