'Game of Thrones' Cast News: Gwendoline Christie Speaks About the Show's Violence Toward Women

The famed HBO series 'Game of Thrones' has been no stranger to controversy, especially in this recent season. Fans haven't been shy to voice their discontent with the way certain characters have been treated, most notably women.

Gwendoline Christie, actress who portrays Brienne in the series, speaks in defense of the show in an interview with EW, and brings her perspective on things.

It is also fairly important to not that Christie plays one of the most formidable characters on the show as a woman.

She explains:

"I've always been quite clear about my attitude toward gender equality and female empowerment. And a lot of this show is inspired by actual historical events, and that's what's occurring with the women. Women have been treated appalling in history. Men have too. Human beings have. What this show is doing is shining a light on women and has an exploration of female characters that has rarely been approached before-and I applaud that. Yes, those scenes are difficult, and they should be difficult. They should further illuminate human consciousness about how we interact as human beings."

She goes on to highlight that fans are experiencing the show episode by episode, while they should really be viewing it more holistically.

"Those downfalls and points of agony and pain that affect us so acutely with these horrific events that the female characters go though, those events are not the only things that happen in the show," she said. "The show is so dense and so complex. This isn't just a season-by-season story, we're looking at this story as a whole.

"I truly believe this, I truly do. Because people ask me about this all the time. And what's wonderful about Game of Thrones is it's a TV show, and in watching it, the show allows us to perhaps adapt our own personal attitudes and create a better reality."