'Game of Thrones' Cast News: Body Double Actress Talks 'Walk of Shame' Scene

As many may or may not know, 'Game of Thrones' used a body double to shoot the dramatic 'Walk of Shame' scene in this season's finale.

Actress Lena Headey's head was digitally seamed together with the nude body of actress Rebecca Van Cleave, as Headey had a strict nudity clause in her contract that forbode her to shoot scenes naked.

In a recent interview with EW, Van Cleave speaks on the experience of shooting it:

"It was one of the scariest, most wonderful, most gratifying experiences I could have imagined. I never in a million years would have thought I would be in Dubrovnik surrounded by hundreds of extras and crew members throwing food at me, but it was amazing."

Van Cleave was casted out of over 1,000 actress that applied for the role. Her and Heady had to collaborate on set to execute the scene correctly.

"Lena was so good about walking beside me and guiding me into what Cersei was thinking and the movements," Van Cleave says. "We were playing tag team - 'You're it!' - and trying to make light of the fact we're all covered in everything and going through this together."

"The first time I took off the robe there was all this anticipation building up to it. But it's such an emotional experience for Cersei, you almost check out of the fact that you're nude. You're so in touch with the scene and what you're going for."

Van Cleave concludes with addressing the criticism of the show utilizing a body double.

"I personally don't agree with anybody who says having a body double detracts from the scene," Van Cleave says. "Lena put her heart and soul into that scene. It should all be about the finished product, not about whose body was where and and whose head was where."