'Game of Thrones' Cast News: Emilia Clarke Talks About Turning Down Role in 'Fifty Shades of Grey'

'Game of Thrones' actress Emilia Clarke was one of the many considered to play Anastasia Steele in the famed romance flick 'Fifty Shades of Grey', however, she has recently come forward to about turning down the role.

According to the latest edition of The Hollywood Reporter, Clarke turned down the opportunity because of the nudity required for the part.

"I'd done nudity before and was concerned with being labeled for doing it again," Clarke stated.

The actress has appeared nude in multiple projects, however she disagreed with the notion after the first season of 'Game of Thrones', where she had a number of nude scenes.

She confirms that she has no regrets for her decision.

Clarke hasn't merely done nudity - she's become a Broadway sensation for it. When she made her New York stage debut in 2013 as Holly Golightly in Breakfast at Tiffany's, half the audience started shooting video on their phones during a scene in which she slipped naked into a bathtub. "That was a bit bonkers," she recalls.

"Her GoT character has been known to disrobe on occasion as well, although not so much lately," writes THR.