'Furious 7' Cast News: Vin Diesel Holds Back Tears Speaking at Premiere Screening, Says 'I Lost My Brother'

Just when it was time for the special screening of the new film 'Furious 7' film, casts of the movie, especially Vin Diesel, spoke up and held back his tears as he remembered former co-star Paul Walker who died in a car crash in November, 2013.

"This was, as you know, this was a very, very personal and important film to us," Diesel told the audience while holding back tears just before the movie started. Diesel also remembered what he and Walker did during the premieres.

"Every time when I saw the movie at the premieres, Paul Walker and I would go off to the side and he would always tell me, 'Vin, the best one is still in the can.' Well, I hope tonight you'd let Pablo know that this one is the best one for you guys. If you love the movie, and I hope you do and hope you will, feel free to talk about it," Diesel said.

The film, one of the most famous movie series about a group of friends and their journey with fast cars was what the cast have always wanted to do as revealed by Diesel. Apparently, the final film of the series which debuts in theaters this April 3 was the hardest one to make as they lost one member of their family.

"This was a labor of love. It was in some ways the hardest movie I ever had to do because the relationships that you see on film are so real. When the tragedy happened I lost my best friend, I lost my brother," Diesel continued.

After trying to contain himself from shedding tears, Diesel then thanked everyone for the support over the years. "Thanks for being my family. Thanks for always taking care of us. Thanks for believing in us. You know what's most important in life. We made this movie from our hearts and know that this is our gift to you and more importantly, to my brother," Diesel said.