'Furious 7' Cast News: Actress Michelle Rodriguez Clears Up Controversial Superhero Role Comment

The 'Furious 7' actress took a moment on Saturday to clear up a comment she made the day prior about minorities in superhero films.

TMZ approached Rodriguez on Friday and asked her if she was going to play the Green Lantern, she responds:

"That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Because of this whole 'minorities in Hollywood' thing ... It's so stupid. Stop stealing all the white people's superheroes. Make up your own."

Needless to say, the comment was received well from either communities, which prompted her to respond in a Facebook video post.

In the video, Rodriguez makes amends by clarifying that she believes original characters should be made for minorities and not adapted into an existing one. She states:

"What I really meant was, ultimately at the end of the day there's a language. And the language that you speak in Hollywood is successful franchise. And I think that there are many cultures in Hollywood that are not white that can come up with their own mythology ... I'm just saying that instead of trying to turn a girl character into a guy or instead of trying to turn a white character into a black character or Latin character, I think that people should stop being lazy, and that people should actually make an effort in Hollywood to develop their own mythology."