Flying Car 2015 News: New AeroMobil 3.0 Vehicle Flies and Drives, Available for Sale in 2017 [VIDEO]

In 1940, Ford Motor founder Henry Ford has famously remarked, "Mark my word: A combination airplane and motor car is coming. You may smile, but it will come." While many disbelieved him then, the efforts of AeroMobil, a Slovakian auto manufacturer, seem to be realizing Ford's vision. In fact, the company has announced a car that can also fly!

Acording to IB Times, the upcoming car, dubbed as AeroMobil 3.0, will be a limited edition two-seater vehicle that can drive on the roads and fly in the sky too.

The car was recently launched at South by SouthWest Interactive Conference in Texas by AeroMobil CEO and co-founder of the company, who hinted that it will launch a completely autonomous edition of the flying car some time later.

Similar to any other standard car, the AeroMobil 3.0 fits into a normal parking space and can also cruise on the road like any other car. In addition, the car, which runs on gasoline, can take off like flights right from any grass strip or paved surface that is at least 100 meters long.

The AeroMobil 3.0 is powered by a Rotax 912 engine, similar to what several traditional aeroplanes use. The manufacturer has claimed that the AeroMobil 3.0 can reach a maximum speed of 160 km per hour. Having a flying range of 875 km, the AeroMobil 3.0 consumes 8 liter fuels for travelling a distance of 100 km.

The AeroMobil 3.0 has been mainly constructed using advanced composite material, including its body shell, wings and wheels. The car possesses all the key features that are expected to be incorporated into the final product - like the avionics equipment, autopilot and a highly developed parachute deployment system.

In addition, AeroMobil 3.0 comes with a number of other advanced technologies, including a variable angle of attack of the wings that shortens the take-off requirements significantly as well as a sturdy suspension enabling the "flying car" to take-off and land even on relatively uneven ground.

The makers AeroMobil have claimed that the AeroMobil 3.0 will be available for sale by 2017. While, they have yet to confirm the price, there is little doubt that the car is going to cost a fortune.