In the news|April 30, 2015 10:10 EDT
'Final Fantasy XV' PS4 & Xbox One News: 'Episode Duscae' Demo to be Released in May
Version 2.0 of Final Fantasy XV: Episode Duscae is already being developed and Square Enix hopes to be able to release an updated version of the demo game sometime during the second half of May, according to an Active Time Report presentation made by the game director, Hajime Tabata.
Tabata says that update patches have not been applied to a demo release before now, so Square Enix is currently in negotiations with Sony and Microsoft to see if it would actually be possible. If it is not possible, then Square Enix will just make Episode Duscae 2.0 available for play at events by attendees.
The plan for Episode Duscae 2.0 is to make AXB enhancements, adjustments to the games targeting system and camera and adding more moves to the game's combat system.
This will include more joint attacks, including a dodge roll, adding the range on Noctis' weapons and more. Square Enix also plans to make adjustments to the demo's game balance, taking another look at MP usage and recovery, as well as not using up MP for dodges that are perfectly times.
The developer will also make bug fixes where necessary. Tabata states that an update will stop players from reaching the Titan by way of the Titan bug, which was discovered previously, but he hints at the idea that there may be a different way to reach him in Episode Duscae 2.0.
Some features that have not been confirmed but are still up for consideration include the possibility of introducing quests in which players would be paired up with one or two other characters, that will result in different conversations taking place.
On a side note, Battles might play out differently as well, because there will be less members in the party.
Last but not least, Final Fantasy XV is in development for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.