'Final Fantasy XV' News: Game Director Hajime Tabata Addresses Fan Complaints On Demo

'Final Fantasy XV' director Hajime Tabata has asked the public to critique his demo, and the public has finally answered. In an episode of 'Activity Time Report,' Tabata addresses the specific problems that the fans had with the highly anticipated demo for 'Final Fantasy XV.' While overall the feedback was mostly positive, Tabata would like to leave no stone unturned in the final product of this game.

According to Tabata, complaints about the demo ranged from controls and performance, to specific character depictions.

"Tabata acknowledged the game's controls received the lowest score, with the camera, lock-on and a general feeling of chaos in combat all coming under scrutiny. He's acknowledged this and has promised the team are 'thoroughly' addressing it. Tabata also promised your team's AI would be bumped up, while a minimap and difficulty option will be added.

As for complaints about performance, the director explained the demo didn't have anti-aliasing, while the finished game will have. Similarly, frame rate optimisation will be an absolute priority going further, and everyone feels frame rate is more important than resolution," writes IGN.

Tabata also noted the difference in complaints from North Americans versus Europeans. Americans seemed to have issues with the character Noctis' voice, saying that it sounded to much like Batman. Europeans weren't particularly thrilled with the over sexualization of the character Cindy.

Addressing this, Tabata states that Noctis' voice was actually re-recorded after the demo, and that Cindy wasn't intended to be [over sexualized]. He blames the result on the character being designed by male developers. His main takeaway for the character was to be "a character you wouldn't be embarrassed with your parents seeing while you're playing in the living room."

There is currently no release date on 'Final Fantasy XV,' but developers are confident in a release by early 2016.