Trending News|April 18, 2016 09:03 EDT
'Final Fantasy IX' PC Release Date, Review Roundup, News: Game Gives 20% Discount Until April 20
"Final Fantasy IX" was originally released in 2000 by Squar Enix on the PlayStation. Now, there's good news for all nostalgic Final Fanstasy Fans out there. Final Fantasy XI just got available for the PC. It just popped at Steam all of a sudden, which is so unexpected to everyone, even for the most avid fans.
The story of the game will be the same. It will still be about Zidane and Princess Garnet and their adventure. Zidane tries to kidnap Princes Garnet on her birthday. Along their journey, Princess Garnet takes the alias of "Dagger" and they head on their journey to stop a manufacturer of soulless black mage soldiers. They are accompanied by Vivi and Steiner. There will also be improvements and new features added into the game. The cut scenes will be in HD, and there will already be an autosave feature. A new feature will let gamers travel faster; not letting any encounters happen while they are in transit to their destination. According to a post from Gams FAQs, that new feature is very convenient. A comment from "donniesmithers" reads:
"From my experience the 9999, no encounters, high speed, and Trance/HP boosters are simply toggleable effects that leave no lasting mark on your game, granted my only experience with most of them is in a Full Boosters speedrun I did when the game was released."
According to the Ecumenical News, the game's price is roughly around $20.99 but is currently on a 20 percent discount, lowering the price down to $16.79. The discount will be available until April 20, 2016 so avid fans and gamers may want to take advantage of this special offer.