Trending News|January 25, 2016 08:58 EST
'Final Fantasy 7' Remake Release Date News: Developers Divide Remake Into Multiple Parts, Aeris' Death Leads Most Heart Crushing Point In Story?
'Final Fantasy 7' fans drew mixed reactions when they learned that "Final Fantasy 7" will have an HD remake edition. It was also reported that the game will be divided into multiple parts.
How many parts would be divided, you ask? The game's developer, Square Enix has not announced anything yet regarding that matter. According to, the remake will have HD graphics and will also have new additional set of gameplay.
For those who can't understand why the developers divided the remake into parts, we can't blame the developers for doing so since afterall, the original game was also divided into three discs. The first one ended on Aeris' death, the second one was up until the "Crater" part of the story and the third ran the latter parts of the game.
The publication also said that since Aeris' death was the most heart crushing turning point of the story, expect that no matter how many parts the game developers divide the story into, there will always be one part that will end in that tragic scene.
Clearly, "Final Fantasy 7" is one of the best installments of the franchise. It was just too bad that it was created in a time when technology was just starting to pick up. Now, the developers are ready to make up for that slight downside that the game had.
Whether you're part of the people who says that it's a stupid idea to make a remake out of it or part of the ones who are actually excited about the release, we can all admit that we are lucky enough to have the opportunity to play that game before and during the HD era.