‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ Sequel Movie Update: Will Jamie Dornan Return for Second Film?

A rep of Jamie Dornan, the 32-year-old male lead in 'Fifty Shades of Grey' movie, has refuted all rumors that suggested that the Irish actor will not return to the franchise even if any sequels of the movie are made in future. The actor's rep has announced that Dornan would be thrilled to participate in any sequel to the movie, if Universal Studios plans any.

According to Latin Post, Dornan's rep told the People magazine, "Jamie is delighted that the film is breaking box office records worldwide and whilst the studio has not made any formal announcements about sequels, he is looking forward to making the next film." He also said that the actor would not like to make any further comments on the issue.

Earlier, Yahoo! Australian magazine NW had claimed that Dornan, who plays the role of Christian Grey in the film, was not interested in participating in any of the sequels to the 'Fifty Shades of Grey' movie. Citing sources, the magazine also claimed that Dornan's wife Amelia Warner was not pleased with the film.

NW quoted the source as saying, "Jamie said the movie would skyrocket his career," adding, "He tried to assure Amelia nothing would change but women all over the world now lust after Jamie. She hasn't seen the film and I don't think she will to be honest."

The report quotes the insider talking about Dornan's performance in 'Fifty Shades of Grey' and the boring reviews, blaming his co-star Dakota Johnson, who portrays the character of Anastasia Steel) for the same.

Substantiating the reported allegations, the source said, "Jamie does not think his performance was bad - instead he blames Dakota and says it wasn't possible to have chemistry with her." The insider adds, "He says Dakota gave him nothing to work with."

While Universal Studios has yet to make any announcement regarding any sequels, the possibilities appear to be bright. Nevertheless, Universal may have to take care of more than just a below average performance by Johnson. If rumors are to be believed, neither director Sam Taylor-Johnson nor writer Kelly Marcel will not be returning for any sequels - mainly owing to their differences with writer E.L. James.

In addition, the studio may also have to confront falling numbers, as the Guardian reported that the audience of 'Fifty Shades of Grey' has started plummeting the U.S. as well as around the world. According to the latest available numbers, the popularity of the movie is waning gradually.