'Fifty Shades of Grey' News: Screenwriter Kelly Marcel Refused to Watch the Film She Worked On

While the big screen adaptation of the hit novel 'Fifty Shades of Grey' enjoyed a lot of success on its premiere back in February, it has recently come to surface that not everyone involved with the project's production was happy with the final product.

Screenwriter Kelly Marcel recently came forward in a podcast with Brett Easton Ellis to reveal that "her heart was really broken" toward the end of production, and that she wasn't even moved to go see the film.

Marcel spoke on the leeway that she was given in writing the script, but the alterations that were made in production thoroughly excluded her inputs and vision.

"[James] ended up coming into my house for a week, and we kind of wrote side-by-side and put things back in," Marcel said. "She would always let me argue and fight for things that I felt passionate about. In the end, I think we ended up with a draft that was a halfway compromise, but she had still been very brave about what she had let go. Ultimately, [James] did have all of the control."

She later clarifies that her not going to see the film no way translated into any ill will, but it wasn't something she could bring herself to do after all was said and done.

"I don't see it out of any kind of bitterness or anger or anything like that," she said about her decision.. "I just don't feel like I can watch it without feeling some pain about how different it is to what I initially wrote."

Marcel isn't suspected to be working on the sequel to 'Fifty Shades of Grey' arriving next year.