'Fifty Shades Of Grey' New Book News, Rumors: 'Grey' Manuscript Stolen

Last week, the manuscript of Grey, E L James, fourth installment in the Fifty Shades of Grey series was stolen on Monday. Detectives have confirmed that they are investigating the theft. Despite the manuscript being stolen, the book will go on to be released on June 18th, Christian Grey's birthday, as planned.

Though Kent Police have confirmed that they are investigating the theft, they have not revealed exactly where the manuscript was stolen from.

A spokesman for the police force stated, "Officers are making inquiries after receiving a report that a book had been stolen on June 8th."

Officers have only revealed that the book had travelled from "one place to another" at the time that it was stolen, and they were still making inquiries in order to determine exactly where the incident took place.

The fear is that the thieves took the book to do one of several things. It is believed that they intend to sell it on the black market, try to sell extracts from the book to media outlets, or publish it on the internet.

One of Penguin Random House's representatives said that the new book will be released as planned in a statement to Mirror Celeb.

"We can confirm that the Kent police are investigating the theft of a finished copy of EL James' new book Grey. We will not be issuing any further statement," said the representatives in a statement.

Thankfully, fans will not be cheated out of the exciting installment of the raunchy series due to the crime which took place.