In the news|June 02, 2015 09:55 EDT
'FIFA 16' New Game News: EA Sports Adds Female Teams to Upcoming Title
EA Sports and FIFA have recently confirmed that female soccer players will be playable in FIFA 16.
This is the first time that this will have happened in the history of the game, and the trailer for the game gives fans a taste of what exactly this will look like with some slow motion recap footage, as well as some in game footage.
The women that will be playable in the game will include national teams. This means that the best players from each country will be featured, instead of one or two women's leagues across the globe.
The only criticisms that fans have thus far are that some of the character animations shown in the trailer look a little bit rough.
In other words, the models and movements of the characters look more suitable to last generation versions of the game, then a current version.
Unfortunately, the announcement that women will be in the game, which has brought praise to Electronic Arts from some, during a time when FIFA is a bit of a controversial subject, has brought backlash from other players.
Some of the misogynistic comments include jokes about female players being out of game play in career mode for nine months due to maternity leave.
Others joke that female players will be out for two days on career mode due to broken nails and other issues.
Players also made fun at the ratings of female players, implying that they are rated on a curve and cannot measure up to the ratings used for males in the game.
FIFA 16 will launch for the PC, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 4 this fall.