'Fear the Walking Dead' Spoilers: New Series Not a Prequel to ‘The Walking Dead’

While AMC has touted the 'Fear the Walking Dead,' the eagerly awaited spin-off of the network channel's already plagued-out 'The Walking Dead,' it seems that both the shows will share a somewhat same timeline.

Latin Post reports that speaking to Entertainment Weekly recently, 'Fear the Walking Dead' show creator Robert Kirkman made it clear that the upcoming show will not be a prequel.

Kirkman told the publication, "I will say that I don't consider this show to be a prequel to 'The Walking Dead,' because there will be a point where a certain episode of this show will line up with Season 2 of 'The Walking Dead,' and a certain episode of this show will line up with Season 3 of 'The Walking Dead.'" The show creator added, "So we will be progressing through time to the point that we do pass the initial days of the outbreak."

At the same time, Kirkman also discussed with the entertainment magazine the various prospects that the new Los Angeles setting has given to the franchise.

"The urban sprawl - it covers a tremendous amount of land, and it's got an extremely dense population, so there are a lot of things about that that lend itself well to good storytelling in the zombie apocalypse," Kirkman remarked.

According to Kirkman, now Los Angeles is a city where, by nature, numerous people come to reinvent themselves. "It's almost a city of immigrants inside a country of immigrants. So there's definitely some aspects of that we'll also be playing with as well," he said.

Meanwhile, as far as the cast of the regular 'The Walking Dead' series is concerned, actor Corey Hawkins will be portraying a character named Heath, an important member of the Alexandria community, who comes straight from the original comics. The Hollywood Reporter stated that Heath, who will become a Alexandria supply runner, appeared for the first time in the #69 issue of the comics.

'Fear the Walking Dead' will premiere on AMC in August.