'Fantastic Four' Spoilers, News: Actor Miles Teller Says Cast will Wear Original Character Costumes

With Josh Trank's impending 'Fantastic Four' reboot's release, fans still find themselves skeptical on how it will all turn out. Fans of the original franchise are drawing a blank on what direction the director took with the beloved characters as the teaser trailer has done so little to whet their appetites.

Actor Miles Teller has been the most vocal out of the whole cast to update speculators and ensure the movie's success. In a recent interview with Screen Crush he actually goes on the record to address the inclusion of the classic costumes in the movie. He states:

"These are the beta versions of the costumes, which is great [...] But, yeah it would be very odd if the Fantastic Four didn't don the traditional costumes. You've got to. There is some servicing there. You've got to give that to the fans. That's what it's all about."

It's a wonder as to why the original costumes weren't revealed in the teaser trailer. The little that they did reveal was a new age more functional design. These led most people to think that the reboot will be a lot less traditional than previous iterations.

"Star Michael B. Jordan has previously described these new suits as 'containment suits' because they were looking for something different for this 'gritty' take on the film," writes Screen Crush.

'Fantastic Four' debuts in theaters August 7th.