Trending News|March 17, 2015 10:17 EDT
'Fantastic Four' Movie Spoilers, Cast News: Mr. Fantastic Wishes He Could Talks About the Film
FOX network has been very reluctant in releasing much information on its upcoming reboot film 'Fantastic Four'. With a small teaser trailer and some casting reveals, fans are still in the dark on what director Josh Trank has brought to the franchise.
This could be good or bad news as there has already been some early word from the studio about not being impressed and ordering re-shoots.
In a recent interview with Huffington Post, Miles Teller, actor who plays Mr. Fantastic, offers us his thoughts on the film.
"I wish I could tell people there are six of us. It's really the 'Fantastic Six'!" Teller says jokingly, "We created two characters on our own."
Despite this being only a joke, the actor very well may not know either way. He confirms that he hasn't seen the finished film yet, and in fact has only seen the trailer a day before anyone else.
"It's going to be really interesting to be a part of a movie that size," Teller states, "I'm as excited as everybody else is to see what it looks like."
He also spoke on the sequel that has already been scheduled for release on June 2017. If the response is good, he has high hopes that the movie can be pushed forward.