'Fantastic Four' News: Crossover With 'X-Men' Discouraged

About a week ago, 'X-Men' director Bryan Singer entertained the idea that a possible crossover between his property and the 'Fantastic Four' reboot was a strong possibility.

"Those ideas are in play," Singer told Yahoo. "That would be a natural match-up because they're both ensemble films and there is a natural mechanism by which to do it."

"We'll have to see how the films turn out. To just say you're going to do it would be a mistake, you have to see how the films evolve before you make that decision to completely commit to that."

Disregarding the disappointing initial review of the 'Fantastic Four,' producers Simon Kinsberg and Hutch Parker have recently told NY Times that the crossover wouldn't be probable due to the two properties existing in different universes.

"They exist in parallel universes," he explained. "The Fantastic 4 live in a world without mutants. And the X-Men live in a world without the Fantastic 4. Crossing them over would be challenging, but we sure would love to see all those actors together, the way we had them on stage at [San Diego] Comic Con."

Building a shared cinematic universe isn't something that happens overnight, however it was lucrative for the studio they would find a way.

"Shared cinematic universes - combining multiple superhero franchises into a larger mega-franchise - have been all the rage since Marvel Studios perfected the strategy with 2012's "The Avengers," which earned $1.5 billion worldwide at the box office," writes NY Times.

The 'X-Men' films have regularly done well on their own, although the 'Fantastic Four' franchise could use a boost.