BC News|March 03, 2015 10:43 EST
Family Force 5's 'Show Love' Addresses the 'Fragile Human State' Explains Derek Chapstique Mount
Christian power group Family Force 5 shared a bit about their song "Show Love" and explained that the theme of the Time Stands Still album is about "connecting with the holy."
Guitarist Derek "Chapstique" Mount spoke to NewReleaseTuesday about how they came up with the song, and the message they are trying to convey with it in the Behind the Song devotional segment.
"The concept of the song addresses our vulnerable and fragile human state. We all goof up regularly and have relationships where no matter how much you love someone, as the saying goes, you hurt the ones you love the most," he told NRT. "That's what the opening line of the song deals with: 'my feelings are a work of art, a picture frame around my heart, sometimes it falls right off the wall but I'm not damaged goods, I'm understood, I'm one of a kind.' That was a big nod to Psalm 139."
Mount explained that the song really focuses on letting the listener know that we are children of God "created uniquely."
"...we've always felt a little misunderstood as a band, or people feel like they have a preconceived idea about us before they get to know us," he said. "I think there's a feeling on our hearts that makes us feel like damaged goods, and we just want to be given a chance to shine and connect with people."
The guitarist said the band wanted the song to be a call for the church to love the world. From there, they worked to make the song more personal so everyone can relate to it.
"The biggest part of this picture is that God forgives us from any turmoil we may be experiencing in our relationships. God is the bedrock for our healing, and God can use imperfect people to do amazing things," shared Chapstique.
Read the rest of the devotional here.
Recently it was announced FF5's first album Business Up Front, Party In The Back (the Diamond Edition) is coming to vinyl in April for a select time.
The projected ship date is early-mid April 2015. Click here for order info.
Business Up Front, Party In The Back was released nine years ago in 2006, while the Diamond Edition re-release debuted in 2007.