'Fallout 4' Release Date Rumors: Bethesda to Announce Launch Window at E3 2015?

After numerous talks and rumors of a "Fallout 4' release date, more speculations arose about the date after it was confirmed that Bethesda will be attending its first conference at E3 this year.

Reports suggest that there is a possibility of the announcement of the release date during the conference, which is going to be held from, June 16 to 18 this year, according to Den of Geek.

The Bethesda blog announced the convening of the conference on its website. The blog said, "We're hosting our first-ever E3 Showcase in Hollywood, CA on June 14th and we've saved some seats just for you, our fans. Feel like a celebrity by attending our most exciting event yet, live and in-person! Keep an eye out - in the coming months we'll be sharing details on how you can register to attend."

It also added, "Can't make it out to LA to join us? Don't worry, we have you covered. On Twitch.TV/Bethesda, you'll be able to tune in on 6/14 and watch every moment live!"

The news of the release of the dates is further confirmed by the tweets of one of the developers who will be joining Bethesda shortly. According to iDigital Times, Josh Hamrick, one of the game developers at Bungie, has left the job to join Bethseda. Reportedly, he served as a Senior Gameplay Designer on Destiny, and will now be joining Bethesda for developing Fallout 4 and Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.

Hamrick tweeted the latest news, saying "I'll miss @Bungie more than words can tell, but I'm excited about both new challenges and being much closer to our hometown and our family."

"Bethesda! It's Bethesda! I'm going to @BethesdaStudios and I'm super stoked about it!! :-). I hope you'll continue to follow along with me!"