'Fallout 4' Release Date News: Bethesda Trailer Countdown, Game to Launch on PS4, Xbox One, PC

Exactly one day after Bethesda, the game developer, posted a countdown timer on its website, the clock ran down and the released information for Fallout 4 became official.

Fallout 4 will be released for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC. There has been no official release date announced as of yet, but the official site for Fallout 4 has given players a first look at the game through its first trailer.

The sites also tell users to keep their eyes wide open for the E3 press conference that is set to be hosted by Bethesda on June 14th at 7:00 pm PT.

Fallout 4 is the latest installment in the extremely popular and successful post apocalyptic open world role playing game series.

Its release comes almost five years after the release of Fallout: New Vegas, which followed Fallout 3, that was released in 2008.

Based on what can be seen in the trailer, the new game appears to be set in the city of Boston.

Still, since it is a post apocalyptic representation of the city, it is likely that the setting will not be one hundred percent authentic.

In addition to seeing the trailer, fans who pay the Fallout 4 website a visit are able to place pre orders on the game, which suggests that it may be released before the end of this year.

Fans can also look at the cover art for the game, and in the United States, pre orders can be placed with all of the notable retail outlets, like Amazon, GameStop and Best Buy.

Fans of the game are glad that its specs will not suffer as it is only released for current generation consoles.