Trending News|August 03, 2016 03:56 EDT
'Fallout 4' PS4 Mods News, Release Date: Game Mod Support ‘Under Evaluation’
Bethesda's "Fallout 4" mod support for the PlayStation 4 is set to come; however, it looks like players have to wait longer.
The studio is working alongside Sony for the title, according to Bethesda marketing head Pete Hines. On Aug. 1, Hines wrote on Twitter that they were working with Sony on "Fallout 4" mod support for the PlayStation 4, adding that the process was still under evaluation. Hines reassured that as soon as they learned more, they would share news. In the meantime, fans and gamers are assumed to wait for further announcement.
Twitter user Hunter Lux replied to Hines' tweet, asking if it would be possible for Bethesda's marketing head to explain what he meant by process. Hines replied that he had said what he was able to say and he was not going to give more details and risk undermining the process.
Hines gives justice to his tweet in July. On July 22, he tweeted that he was not going to get into specifics, adding that if he had been able to have an open dialog and explain what was up, he would have long ago. Fans were expecting "Fallout 4's" update to be released in June; however, it was delayed. Bethesda did not release more information about the title since them.
According to Game Spot, the official mod support for "Fallout 4" was integrated to the Microsoft Windows version in April. The game beta passed by and it penetrated the Xbox One in May. But then, the PlayStation 4 reportedly have had some issues, leaving the studio with no choice but to postpone its release.
Overall, Bethesda is yet to reveal details on the exact release date of "Fallout 4" mod support for PlayStation 4.
Watch "Fallout 4's" official trailer here.