Trending News|June 29, 2016 05:27 EDT
'Fallout 4' DLC News: Update To Divide Gamers Experience, Feature Issue Fixes
Along with its issue fixes, Bethesda's upcoming "Fallout" DLC is set to be a divisive factor to the gamers' experience.
"Fallout's" forthcoming content is titled "Contraptions" and it set to uphold distinct gaming experience for players, Geek has learned. As per the publication, this can be done with two approaches - first, the liberated and expanded adventures and second, the complex procedure of preserving a homestead following a disaster.
It is further revealed that "Fallout 4: Contraptions" contains multiple contents that aim to stretch game settlements. Some cases in point include huge-sized machines that can be erected in settlements, as well as utilize in the production of items like food, clothing, ammo, toys, and decoratives. Gamers can easily yield these items in-game; however, this game feature illustrates the distinction between settlement building and wasteland exploration.
In line with building a production machine, gamers' settlement has to have a big power grid and a terminal that is connected to the grid. Also, the terminal can be set up with at least one level in the Hacking line while better generators can be built using specific items. For instance is the Gun Nut perk, which is used to create ammo. Another example is the Armorer, which gives players the power to build clothing machines.
Aside from the aforementioned, "Fallout 4's" DLC patch 1.5.4 update is also set to fix issued in the game. According to WCCF Tech, these issues include performance enhancements and overall stability. In addition, fans are set to see fixes on weapon issues, as well as armor loses. In addition, re-initialization of specific game modes can also be done with heightened stability, as per the publication.
It is further revealed that the patch features a Mod menu, which scans additional space prior to downloading additional mods and repairs some mods that do not download properly.
For the time being, "Fallout 4" is accesible on the Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and Microsoft Windows.