BC News|October 29, 2014 12:19 EDT
Ex-Lesbian Turned Christian Artist Jackie Hill-Perry Believes God Can 'Change' People's Desires [VIDEO]
Christian rapper and poet Jackie Hill-Perry recently shared a testimony of how she went from being a lesbian to an advocate of change.
According to Washington Times, Hill-Perry said God "not only changes your affections and your heart, but He gives you new affections that you didn't have."
The 25-year-old artist has received a lot of grief for voicing out about homosexuals changing their lifestyle choices. LGBT groups are also highly against "reparative therapy" which looks to make homosexual people straight.
Her views have created a lot of dialogue on Twitter, she estimates that roughly 40% of the comments she receives are negative. "On Twitter, this girl wrote me like 15 different tweets, pretty much saying that I was delusional, in denial and brainwashed."
"The word of God itself, apart from Jackie Hill, testifies that people can change," she said in an interview with Wade-O Radio, "If He can make a moon, stars and a galaxy that we have yet to fully comprehend, how can He not simply change my desires?"
Hill-Perry says she suffered through gender confusion at five years-old, which was shortly after being sexually abused, reported Washington Times. At 17-years-old she realized she was attracted to women and became sexually involved with her first girlfriend.
She said her wake up moment occurred in October of 2008 while thinking about her life.
"Then, one day, the Lord spoke to me. He said, "She will be the death of you.' In that moment, the scripture for the wages of sin equal death finally clicked," she revealed. "What I had been taught in church until the age of 10 coincided with the truth in my conscious that a holy God and just God would be justified in sending me, an unrepentant sinner to hell."
She continued, "but also that this same God sent His son to die on my behalf and forgive me if only I believe."
So what was next for this ex-lesbian Christian artist? She pressed trying her best to follow God, and eventually met her future husband a year later at a spoken word event. Hill-Perry is now pregnant with her first child.
"I think we're moving toward a time in our society when, in the next 20 to 25 years, Christians are going to see a massive amount of persecution when it comes to the topic of homosexuality, and there will be no such thing as tolerance for Christianity," she said, "[People will believe that] if you're a Christian, you are a horrible human being, period.
Her debut album, The Art of Joy, will be released November 4.