Trending News|April 20, 2015 11:48 EDT
‘Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture’ New Game News: PS4 Trailer & Soundtrack Released [VIDEO]
The upcoming quaint, yet haunting game, 'Everybody's Gone to the Rapture' from The Chinese Room is almost here for the summer with a new trailer that gives viewers the idea of a moving narrative about exploring a quiet world full of memories prior to an apocalypse. The trailer shows bloodstains on used tissue paper, bed sheets and an assortment of medical supplies, leaving the questions, "What is the rapture?" and "Where did everybody go?"
The Chinese Room's creative director Dan Pinchbeck writes on the Playstation Blog, quite relieved, that the end is almost near for the game's Beta phase available on PS4.
"Everyone's time is split between chewing through bugs and carving out time for as much polish and finesse as we can. There's always something that can be improved. Late tweaks to design, signposting, player flow, discovery - this is all still happening," Pinchbeck writes. Further on, Pinchbeck tells that there are still changes going on as much as polishing with the audio and visuals for the game because it can put impact on the "emotional tone of a space or a moment".
The team, who has produced similarly-themed games like 'Dear Esther' and 'Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs', has creatively come up with their own interpretation of an end of the world scenery unlike any other where the available options are walking and eavesdropping at sparking golden light conversations seen on different pre-launch gameplays. Jessica Curry, The Chinese Room's studio head and composer, has made it possible that the heavy on narrative game is not about leading a pack of post-apocalypse survivors and finding ways and means to defeat a common enemy.
"Let's make a game saying, 'When it comes down to it what's important?' And this is about people and their relationship with each other. That's where we should focus." Curry said on an interview with IGN.
On top of that is the melancholic and seemingly personal soundtrack which follows the player at every point of the game. Dan Pinchbeck claims that it is one of the best game soundtracks every created with the help of various musicians and engineers to add a relatively human feeling into the game.
Pinchbeck, on his post on Playstation blog, further assures gaming fans that the indie-gaming company is close to releasing 'EGTTR' but no launch date has been particularly specified as of this moment.