Trending News|June 04, 2015 09:16 EDT
Enrique Iglesias News: Singer Suffers Bloody Injury in Drone Accident at Tijuana, Mexico Concert
Singer Enrique Iglesias is definitely giving everything for his fans. The singer, who got a bloody injury during his concert in Tijuana, Mexico continued performing for 30 more minutes after some of his fingers were cut from a drone accident.
A drone was apparently going around capturing some photos for the concert but when it hovered near Iglesias, the drone accidentally malfunctioned and cut some of the singer's fingers. It was indeed a bloody accident as several photos from the concert showed off Iglesias' shirt and hands were all bloody.
The blood and the accident didn't stop the singer who is currently going around the globe for his 'Sex and Love' world tour to sing for 30 more minutes according to reports as 12,000 of his fans went out to see him perform and Iglesias didn't want anything to hold him back from pleasing his fans even when injured.
"Last night, Enrique had a show at a bullfight ring in Tijuana, Mexico for 12k+ people as part of his Sex and Love world tour. During the show, a drone is used to get crowd shots and some nights, Enrique grabs the drone to give the audience a Point of View shot," Iglesia's representative told E! News adding, "Something went wrong and he had an accident."
According to Iglesia's representative, the concert was suggested to be concluded but Iglesias himself wanted to perform. "He was semi-treated by crew on the side of the stage to try and stop the bleeding," the representative continued. "He was advised to stop the show. He decided to go on and continued playing for 30 minutes while the bleeding continued throughout the show."
Iglesias even drew a heart-shape figure on his shirt using the blood from his hand. It was indeed an epic night. Now, as Joe Bonilla informs the fans Iglesias was reportedly sent to L.A. for a while to see a doctor. "He was then put on a plane to L.A. to see a specialist," Bonilla reportedly said. "We will continue to update as we have more info. Thank you all for your love and concern," he added.