Families|January 05, 2015 04:20 EST
Duck Dynasty's Al Robertson Talks Maintaining Faith in Hollywood & Having Fellowship With Both Sinners and Saints [INTERVIEW]
BREATHEcast caught up with Duck Dynasty's Al Robertson to discuss 'The Duck Commander Faith and Family Bible' and the beardless Robertson spoke candidly about how his family deals with faith in the limelight and his thoughts on fellowship with people who do not believe in Jesus.
In 'The Duck Commander Faith and Family Bible', faith is one of the key topics targeted by Robertson and his uncensored dad Phil. Faith is tackled in the commentary given by the Robertson's throughout the duck friendly NKJV Bible.
"Our story by now is fairly out there in terms of how our family hinged on dad eventually becoming a Christian, well Mom really first, and then kind of keeping us safe until he got ready," Al said when introducing how he and the family came to faith in Jesus, "Faith in their life changed and sort of set the foundation 40 years ago for who we are as a family, [and] to what America's seeing on this television show, or through this Bible project that dad and I are putting out there."
"It's what started us on this path to be able to survive both literally, physically, but spiritually as well," He continued, "Faith has been the bedrock and the cornerstone of being able to get through the tough times but also to enjoy the better times."
Al said when looking at life through "a faith prism" a person will "always find contentment" whether they're doing something in a huge way or doing something in a day to day way that maybe only impacts a handful of people.
![Al Robertson](https://cdn.breathecast.com/files/cache/image/2/55/25596_w_590_317.jpg)
The Robertson family members are not strangers to facing opposition for their faith publicly. The family faced losing their hit reality television show after head commander Phil openly shared his thoughts on gay marriage. However they were able to bounce back, keep their hit show, and maintain their strong Christian convictions despite popular opinion.
"Lets face it, in 21 century America it is an unpopular thing now in a lot of circles and especially media circles, to be outspoken about faith and then be willing to tell somebody 'what you're doing is not right biblically'," he admitted, "That's not super popular and so you're going to tend to get a lot of criticism and that affects any of us."
When asked what helped his family overcome the media storm which tried to rock their faith, Robertson answered that it was the fact that they are a large tight knit family.
"It's not just one person or one family, we're in essence six families including Si. You have six different families, so what happens is, as a family there are times where I may struggle but then one of my brothers or sister-in-laws picks me up and says 'look here's a good reason to keep fighting the faith'," he explained, "We've had an ability to be able to rely on each other and that's what unity does in a large group."
Al maintained that having those pick-me-ups along the way totality has "helped" them as a family group and a unit to "still be relevant, to still be able to be bold, and not to shrink back. "He also mentioned that they also receive a lot of support and encouragement from fans and believers throughout the world.
"We're imperfect, we don't all make the right decisions, so sometimes we make the wrong ones and we go down a path we wish we hadn't gone down. That's another reason why you have to have family there for accountability," he continued, "Lets face it when you're out there on the culture edge, especially in some areas where Satan has really had ownership, you're always walking that tight rope by becoming all things to all men to win some and then becoming more like them then you want to become."
Al is a pastor and has been in full time ministry for years. He left the church that he pastored for 20 years to join his famous family on Season 4 of 'Duck Dynasty'. He is now a traveling minister with his wife Lisa and his dad but admits that they all face things while in the limelight.
"It takes a family and people who are committed to loving each other enough to say 'hey I hear a cracking sound at the end of that limb you better back it up a couple of steps'," he said, "So we have an ability and a love to do that for one another."
He also revealed that trying to maintain the faith in the public eye could also go to the opposite extreme as well if they are not careful. "It can even be the other way. It's so tough sometimes to keep that loving attitude while you're wanting to try and get people to see truth," he confessed, "we get help that way too. Sometimes maybe you're being a little too harsh."
Al went on to say that in his family dynamic they check and balance each other often and that's what helps them move forward and still be able to help and impact people.
Although some believers sometimes tend to take up the attitude that Christians should be separate from non-believers or secular media, Al feels differently about the topic.
"I think you have to have fellowship both ways," he explained. He referenced the scripture in Corinthians that states, "What harmony is there between Christ and Belial? Or what does a believer have in common with an unbeliever," but said, "You know there's this whole thing in there about not being to yoked with unbelievers."
The hunter went on to say, "I spent most of my life in Christianity as a pastor especially really telling people 'you don't need to be in those circles, you have to get out of there', but I've had a larger narrative now that I've been working in the contents of actually being out there and not just in the church building."
He said Jesus did not seem to mind getting out there and talking to "sinners" although he was greatly criticized so he will do as Jesus did. "I think we have to have a way to be able to engage people at a level they are to tell them something different," he added, "I realize that's not maybe for the new believer or somebody coming out of the world, that's a dangerous situation but many of us, we're not gonna walk away from our relationship with Christ to go into that lifestyle. So we've got to be able to share with people."
"I think our family has become much better at that since we've had the success of the show," he pointed out, "We are in places where a lot of people don't know what we know."
The beardless son did say though that people should have Christian fellowship in order to be effective in the world with non-believers. He explained that when he is in town and in church with his brothers and sisters (people who have known them all their lives) they are held accountable. "One fellowship sort of begets the other, you still need that strong connection to a church, to other brothers and sisters, people who know you," he continued, "You got to have that familiar spiritual relationship so you can have the other. Otherwise they can become exclusive. I think a person and a family needs both, I think you need both aspects of that to be as effective as you need to be for Christ."
'The Duck Commander Faith and Family Bible' is now available on Amazon and other online store for more information visit duckcommanderbible.com. Stay tuned for Part 2 of our interview with Al in which he speaks openly about his wife's infidelity and their road to forgiveness. Both Al and Lisa have also just release a book titled, 'A New Season' click HERE to get your copy.
![Duck Dynasty](https://cdn.breathecast.com/files/cache/image/2/53/25379_w_590_590.jpg)
![Al Robertson](https://cdn.breathecast.com/files/cache/image/2/55/25595_w_590_891.jpg)