‘Driveclub VR' News & Update: No. 41 In PlayStation VR Countdown; Multiple Updates, Modes Featured

Along with the new updates for Sony's "Driveclub VR," the title is reportedly part of the countdown titles for the forthcoming virtual reality technology.

In line with the forthcoming PlayStation VR, "Driveclub" stands number 41 or tenth day on the countdown, according to Upload VR. As per the publication, the other games include "Rez Infinite," "Battlezone," "Volume: coda," "The Modern Zombie Taxi Co.," "Tumble VR," "The Brookhaven Experiment," "Radial-G," "Star Wars Battlefront Rogue One: X-Wing Mission," "Pool Nation VR," "Golem," and "Loading Human," among others. The other titles are yet to be added to the list, as per the publication.

According to Express, SIE Immersive Technology Group is currently on board for the game's development. In addition, "Driveclub" VR set to include a set of new features, which includes online multiplayer and single-player game modes with drifting and time trial challenges; new and classic race tracks, which cover five upcoming urban locations; and hot laps replay, in which players can watch themselves how they were during the race.

"Driveclub" VR is also set to have two modes, the Inspection Mode, which allows players to scrutinize details of over 80 vehicles, and the Cruise Mode, which lets players to explore tracks in various territories in the game. With such features, along with the virtual reality feature, it is assumed that the game is set to provide a more engaging gaming experience.

Initially released in Oct. 2014, "Driveclub" is playable on the PlayStation 4. "Driveclub" VR is set to come out this year.