'Dragon's Dogma Online' PS3, PS4, PC Release Date Rumors, News: Upcoming Game to Feature Cross-Platform Multiplayer

One of the hit games to be released this year is Dragon's Dogma Online for PS3, PS4 and PC, which is rumored to be released within the year with some interesting minor upgrades.

The upcoming game, although it is still unknown exactly when it will be released is currently in the phase of getting more players for the Alpha testing which is ending on April 20. That only means that after testing the games, the release will not be too far from happening.

Reports claim that although there might be some minor changes or alterations for the game itself, it surely won't take too much time. In the meantime, it has been reported that the new games comes with a few upgrades that the players would surely enjoy.

The game will have multiplayer connections according to several reports. In fact, that's why they needed more players so that they may test if the cross-connection feature will be successful. It is said to have the capability for gamers to play in different platforms including PS3, PS4, and PC allowing cross-platform server compatibility that will permit players to play with each other regardless of the device they use.

Players won't need to change their device to be able to connect and play with other players that have different platforms. Not only that, the new game is said to have four out of eight playable jobs including the fighter, hunter, priest, and shield sage.

Although it may seem quite limiting for players, reports say that the game will be allowing a change of job types at any time in the game so players can fully use each job type that they prefer. The game will reportedly also feature a level cap of 10.

Meanwhile, as the avid fans of the game wait for its release, it has been announced that the game is still looking for game clients. These are said to be available on April 15 to 30. The good thing when players join this is that they can immediately play the game. The players who wish to be game clients must first download the 4GB client data and must have a COG account along with a PSN account.