'Dragon Quest Heroes 2' News: 'DQH II' to be Released on PS4, PS3 & PS Vita Platforms

Fans of the game Dragon Quest Heroes were in shock when Square Enix announced that there would be a sequel to the popular game. Many assumed that it was and April Fools' Day joke, but it appears this is not the case.

There is an official page for the game that has been posted since the announcement. Yesterday, a Slime mini game was posted on the official page for Dragon Quest Heroes.

Once players beat the game, they were greeted with an image announcing the sequel to Dragon Quest Heroes, but because it was April Fool's Day in Japan, due to the difference in time, it was generally assumed that this was a prank.

The fact that the game was taken down after midnight in Japan, seemed to confirm this assumption. However, the next day, Square Enix opened a new page on their website which had the official URL for Dragon Quest Heroes II.

Thus, the sequel was confirmed to be real. Apparently, it is being developed for play on all current PlayStation gaming systems, including the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, and the PlayStation Vita.

Although no rumors have been found about the characters and the plot development of Dragon Quest Heroes II, yet Techno Buffalo speculates that the game may be following the storyline and characters of Dynasty Warriors.

According to Square Enix, the game may be available by the end of 2015, or early 2016, although no confirm dates have been revealed. Fans wait to hear more news and developments about the upcoming sequel, which thankfully was not a joke.