Trending News|April 17, 2015 12:36 EDT
'Dragon Ball Xenoverse' DLC 3 Leaks, Rumors: ‘Revival of F’ Online Photos Leaked, Release Date Still Unknown
Leaked photos of the GT Pack 3 for the successful videogame 'Dragon Ball Xenoverse', popularly called DBXV, have been taking over the Internet. A photo which looked like a page of the weekly Shonen Jump purportedly confirms that the new DLC will include "Dragon Ball Z: Revival of F."
Fans have been waiting for the new DLC which still doesn't have any official statement regarding the release. However, it is expected that notable characters will now be playable like Golden Freeza and Jaco the Galactic Patrolman.
With the pictures being leaked online, it would seem that Goku and Vegeta may have an eventual upgrade to Super Saiyan God 2 complete with glowing blue hair. The DLC will also include new quests systems, attacks and equipment including a new costume set inspired by Master Roshi.
While the current leaks and rumors could be well ahead of themselves, the DLC 2 was just recently released on April 14 including tons of new additions in tow.
The new DLC 2 includes the following playable characters Eis Shenron, Nuova Shenron and most especially Mira and Towa. According to ibtimes, there are additional three episodes, three new quests from GT Saga, a new Master Pan. Other than that the DLC includes 22 new moves, five new costumes and six new Z souls:
Eis Shenron's Z soul-I'm doing fine.
Nuova Shenron's Z soul- That's how I fight!
Pan's Z soul (Master) 1- This is my best move!
Pan's Z soul (Master) 2- Dumped agaaaain!
Mira's Z soul- I feel it... A powerful energy!
Towa's Z soul- Revival of the Demon Realm is at hand
Dragon Ball Xenoverse has lately released a statement regarding their continued partnership with DIMPS to work for the franchise and extending it to the West. The partnership reportedly had been very successful that Bandai Namco has thanked DIMPS for their help.
"As an entertainment provider, we are very proud with the activity around SAINT SEIYA , a legendary licence! On one hand, we have a new Anime on our very own, on the other hand SAINT SEIYA will hit PC and PlayStation®4 for the first time ever with this Soldiers' Soul opus! Our collaboration with DIMPS Co.,Ltd has always been successful and our latest collaboration, DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE, proved that our duo is working perfectly well! We all are excited to see this game coming out in Autumn 2015!" wrote Attack of the Fanboy.