'Downton Abbey' Season 5 Episode 8 Recap: Atticus Gets Framed as a Cheater?

Fans of 'Downton Abbey' were not disappointed with Sunday's episode as more was revealed in regards to several story lines.

For those that might have missed it, members of the household lead the inspector to believe that Anna might have been involved somehow in the murder. She is asked to go to Scotland Yard when she arrived in London. There Anna is placed in a line up with several other women. Thinking she was free of case, she later on was arrested by the Scotland Yard police.

Lady Violet had an unexpected appearance from Prince Kuragin who asked her if she would be her friend and lover by coming into her home and presence unannounced. Never mind that his wife is missing. Violet does not give him an answer before the scene ends.

By far the biggest part of the episode, the marriage of Rose and Atticus is well underway. Throughout the preparations Susan, Rose's mother, is looking to show her disapproval of the wedding by sabotage.

After his Stag Party, Atticus retires to him room. Someone knocks on his door and a young woman pulls her dress sleeves off of her shoulders, stands there for a few moments and leaves. Atticus is perplexed but doesn't think much of it beyond that. Later, pictures of the woman and Atticus are shown, suggesting that he had been unfaithful to his bride-to-be.

It is later revealed that Susan had paid the girl and a photographer to set up Atticus. Rose's father Atticus warns Susan to not try anything else and is glad the station is under control before too many feelings were hurt. Unfortunately, Susan interrupts the wedding ceremony and announces that she and her husband are getting a divorce. After a few scenes of disgust, the ceremony continues and Rose and Atticus are married.

Other story lines were shown such as Daisy planning on leaving Downton to discover more of the world.

'Downton' Abbey airs Sundays at 9 PM EST on PBS.