'Doctor Who' Season 10 News: Scene In Bill's Teaser Intro Might Not Be Included In The Actual Series?

The scene in the teaser intro of Bill, "Doctor Who's" new companion, where he is running away from the Deeks with the Doctor, may not be included in the new episodes of the upcoming season 10.

Bill was first introduced in April as someone who has not been aware of the Daleks. In the teaser, she was shown asking the Twelfth Doctor some questions about the existence of the iconic villain, such as "What's a Dalek?" and "Why does it keep saying exterminate?"

The teaser video ended in a cliffhanger, when Doctor and Bill were both cornered by the Daleks after the Doctor had told the new companion that they had to get back to the future in 2017. While the clip is thrilling enough to heighten fans' anticipation of the series, showrunner Steven Moffat revealed that the scene was actually not canon.

In an interview with Cultbox, Moffat revealed the possibility of not including the scene into an actual episode in the upcoming series.

"Knowing how pedantic I am, I'll probably work it in somewhere, but there is also an absolute possibility that I just won't bother," he said. However, he said that it is not impossible to insert the clip somewhere, considering how the show deals with alternate universes and changing timelines.

Moffat also addressed concerns of fans that the continuity of the series might be ruined by the existence of a Dalek.

"The thing is we do a Dalek story with Bill, we'd have to put that scene in somewhere, because clearly she's seeing a Dalek for the first time. But I have to stop myself getting too hung up on that sort of thing. People know what that scene was. It was us going, 'Look, this is what Doctor Who with Bill is gonna be like,'" he said.

"Doctor Who" season 10 is scheduled to premiere in 2017 on BBC.