DMX Robbery Allegation, News: Rapper Accused of Armed Robbery at Gas Station in New Jersey

Rapper DMX has never been a stranger when it came to criminal activity, however in recent years it's been implied that he's been working to get his act together.

"DMX, who burst onto the national hip-hop scene in the late 1990s, has had a series of run-ins with the law in recent years, and has served jail time for drug possession, animal cruelty and multiple parole violations," writes NJ.

This conflicts with the recent allegation a man has made about the rapper robbing him at a gas station.

"A 21-year-old guy told police in Newark, NJ he encountered X early Sunday morning at an Exxon station. The guy told cops he had a brief convo with X -- about rap music -- when suddenly a member of X's entourage flashed a gun and demanded the guy's money," writes TMZ.

The rapper was reportedly in the area for a concert the previous night, however, DMX's rep has denied him or anyone in his crew, robbing anyone.

The man claims that he was robbed of $3,200, but at this point has not pressed any charges. As it stands, the investigation is currently ongoing.